Thursday 23 December 2010

Preparation + Development: My Film Review Page

I have chosen to do a film review page similar to that of the 'Boys to Men' article in my previous post. This is because i think that this is more likely to be attractive to my target audience rather than a text heavy article.

The background for my double page spread:

The addition of the title:

The addition of clips from the short film:

The addition of a 'meet the director' block:

The addition of the text:

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Preparation + Development: Film Review Page

Here are some examples of exisitng Film review pages from magazines. These show that there are a few different ways to layout a film review, aswell as the text to picture ratio can be changed depending on what the writer chooses to focus on.

In this review page there are stills from the actual film embedded into the page in order to show the characters and some of the actions from the film. i.e Drug taking. (the girl far left). This is then mixed in with text, there is a block of text at the botton left which is the main body of the review whoever the text in red appears to be a (tagline?). This Layout is more likely to appeal to a younger audience as it is less text heavy, which means that a younger reader is more likely to stop and read this article over my next example.

This review page is more of a standard layout with the pictures covering the upper 2/3 of the double page spread and the text confinded into a block at the bottom. This review covers more of the detail through text rather than use of pictures. I think that this article is likely to be aimed at an older reader, or a reader who is finaticle about film. This is due to the level of text in comparason to the images, it appears to be heavy in detail about the film and therefore a younger reader may not be willing to read the whole article.

Finally this is another way to layout a review page. The majority of this review page is covered with pictures of the characters from avatar with a small amount of writing in comparason. This could be as the writter does not want to give too much of the story away to the reader.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Preparation + Development: Audience Feedback on Poster

Preparation + Development: My Final Movie Poster

This is my final movie poster, I chose the same font for the title and release date that I have used for the title in the short film itself in order to create some continuity between the two. The reason why i chose the shape in the middle is because i think that is represents two hearts that are being pulled apart from eachother, which in turn represnts the ending of a relationship and the breaking of a heart which the poem is about.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Preparation + Development: My Short Film Changes

After showing my footage to my class i realized there where a few aspects i needed to sort out, this version is with the minor tweaks done so that i can now continue to work on putting together the added extras and finishing it.

Friday 26 November 2010

Preperation + Development: My Short film so far

After audience feedback on my short film so far, the consensus appeared to be that i needed to do some extra footage of actions that match the words of the poem. For example shot of the girl making a scrapbook of memories. Also they gave me the idea to end the short film with a similar series of that show the scrapbook being made, a letter being written and a girl posting the letter however all in rewind almost as if it is being undone.

Monday 8 November 2010

Preparation + Development: Editing Footage

For the next couple of weeks i will be working on the editing of my footage.

8th November:

15th November:

Monday 1 November 2010

Preparation + Development: Uploading Footage

Today i have uploaded my footage up on to imovie in order to start editing and putting together my short film.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Research + Planning: Animatic

This is an animatic of my story board, however since making my story board i have slightly changed my idea as i am now only using one character but filming on different days to show that heartbreak can happen any day of the week anytime of the year rather than it can happen to anyone. this is because i found that in my research that people have mixed opinions on the age boundaries of heartbreak however there was no apparent persuasion to anytime of the year.

Monday 25 October 2010

Research + planning: Results

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Research +Planning: My Pitch

A short film about heartbreak and moving on, that uses splicing of 7 different days of the character reading the poem.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research + Planning: Target Audience

Name: Lucia Farrance
Age: 17
Favourite Film Genre: Disney
Favourite Film: Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Marital Status: In A Relationship
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: No
What: Doesn't exist

Name: Howard Abercrombie-Smith
Age: 51
Favourite Film Genre:
Favourite Film:
Marital Status: Married
Have you ever had your heart broken: Yes
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18+

Name: Alex Pettitt
Age: 18
Favourite Film: Vantage Point
Favourite Genre: Action
Marital Status: In A Relationship
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18/19+

Name: Amy Oldfield
Age: 15
Favourite Film: Mean Girls
Favourite Genre: Chick Flick
Marital Status: Single
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18+

Name: Malcolm Abercrombie
Age: 80
Favourite Film:
Favourite Genre:
Marital Status: Married
Have you ever had your heart broken: Yes
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 20+

Friday 8 October 2010

Research + Planning: The Inspiration for my Final Idea

I have decided to change my idea for my short film after seeing this advert. I originally planned to do a narrative of the poem over some footage however I have now chosen to do something more along the lines of this advert. I think that this brings a new level to the poem and enables a modern take on short films to be developed.

Friday 1 October 2010

Research + Planning: A Letter from a Broken Heart

This is the poem that i will be using as my script for my short film. I chose this poem as I felt that it was full of emotion and suited the angle that i was going for with my short film.

A man writes a letter to his lost love.

I got my heart broke today,

Not that it matters, I know it don’t,

For you life goes on,

But for me it won’t,

Everyday I wonder what I did wrong.

I handed you my heart,

It was yours to keep,

But then you said we had to part

The pain I felt; it cut oh so very deep.

Now I wish I could wash the pain away,

Because I hurt so bad inside,

I can only hope I’ll die today,

But we both know I won’t no matter how hard I try.

My love is the only thing I had to give,

But you laughed at me,

Now I don’t want to live,

With only memories.

So tonight I’ll close my eyes,

With thoughts of you,

As I say good-bye,

To the only love I knew.

Now all you have left is your tears,

And the pain you handed me,

And you’ll wonder why you have to face your fears,

Because that’s the way it was meant to be

So now I leave you,

With a scrapbook of memories,

Of the times we knew,

And this letter from a broken heart.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Research + Planning: Short Film Tasks

For the past few weeks i have been working on this powerpoint in order to make sure that it is done to the best i can.

Friday 10 September 2010

Research + Planning: Inspiration for my Short Film

I came up with the idea of turning a poem into a short film because i have always had a passion for poetry and i thought that by turning it into a short film it would be another way for people to experience the words in the poem and give them life.

I searched around Youtube to find examples of poems that were made into short films and came across a few different styles of producing the poem into a film. For example:

as you can see this has been created through the use of wax dolls and miniature hand made sets along with computer generated animation, with the poem being narrated over the top of the action. I felt that this way of presenting the poem helped to add another dimension to the words of the poem as it gave them life through vision.

the way that this poem was presented was through i slideshow of images that linked to each line of the poem, the words of the poem were written on the image rather than spoken as gentle calming music was played throughout, i felt that this way of presenting the poem gave it feeling and emotion that was well suited to the words.

This was a personal favourite of mine, I felt that through the use of people and giving the poem a story it gave the audience more chance to connect with the words. I especially liked how the narration was spoken over the silence of the action but with the slow music just behind the words. Through watching this representation of a poem gave me the idea to do something similar with the poem 'letter from a broken heart' a poem that i read on the internet and fell in love with.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

My Proposal

Name: Harriet Abercrombie-Smith

Title of Brief: Broken Love

Outline of ideas:

1) Using a poem as a narrative over fast passed editing of parts of the poem acted out, with music to accompany.

2) Using the poem again as a narrative but instead using slow moving emotion packed sections of filming to portray the emotion behind the poem and storyline, with music lightly playing in the background.

Auxiliary Products:

1) A Poster for the film

2) A film magazine review page featuring the film

Target Audience: (age, gender, socio/economic group)


A Very wide age range, that starts from 16+

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

Rather than having a narrative telling the whole story it will focus on the main points through the use of a poem.

Also it will only have one character and the poem be shown through the emotions, instead of complicating the story through the use of more characters and words.

Media products? What is your inspiration?

Youtube videos created by people that go to poems.

Poems in general

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other?

They will compliment each other because the short film will be the main basis of the overall product but will be accompanied by a poster of the film that shows a snapshot from the film as well as telling the audience who is in the film and the film title, then the magazine review will contain information on what the film is about and whether or not it works at presenting the emotion wanted.

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How will you incorporate the following concepts?


I have chosen a poem that was written by a man however I have chosen to make the character a girl, this complies with the conventions of a typical chick flick.



I want to represent the fact that although a break up is emotional and girls are seen to be weaker than boys, girls are just as capable to turn things around and get over it and become strong again easily.


Media language

Using music to enhance the mood as well as a voice over of the poem.

Timeline: the final product is due in on Friday 17th December. Draft a timeline for your research, planning, production, post-production (including audience feedback). How are you going to get it all done?