Tuesday 21 December 2010

Preparation + Development: Film Review Page

Here are some examples of exisitng Film review pages from magazines. These show that there are a few different ways to layout a film review, aswell as the text to picture ratio can be changed depending on what the writer chooses to focus on.

In this review page there are stills from the actual film embedded into the page in order to show the characters and some of the actions from the film. i.e Drug taking. (the girl far left). This is then mixed in with text, there is a block of text at the botton left which is the main body of the review whoever the text in red appears to be a (tagline?). This Layout is more likely to appeal to a younger audience as it is less text heavy, which means that a younger reader is more likely to stop and read this article over my next example.

This review page is more of a standard layout with the pictures covering the upper 2/3 of the double page spread and the text confinded into a block at the bottom. This review covers more of the detail through text rather than use of pictures. I think that this article is likely to be aimed at an older reader, or a reader who is finaticle about film. This is due to the level of text in comparason to the images, it appears to be heavy in detail about the film and therefore a younger reader may not be willing to read the whole article.

Finally this is another way to layout a review page. The majority of this review page is covered with pictures of the characters from avatar with a small amount of writing in comparason. This could be as the writter does not want to give too much of the story away to the reader.

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