Wednesday 8 September 2010

My Proposal

Name: Harriet Abercrombie-Smith

Title of Brief: Broken Love

Outline of ideas:

1) Using a poem as a narrative over fast passed editing of parts of the poem acted out, with music to accompany.

2) Using the poem again as a narrative but instead using slow moving emotion packed sections of filming to portray the emotion behind the poem and storyline, with music lightly playing in the background.

Auxiliary Products:

1) A Poster for the film

2) A film magazine review page featuring the film

Target Audience: (age, gender, socio/economic group)


A Very wide age range, that starts from 16+

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

Rather than having a narrative telling the whole story it will focus on the main points through the use of a poem.

Also it will only have one character and the poem be shown through the emotions, instead of complicating the story through the use of more characters and words.

Media products? What is your inspiration?

Youtube videos created by people that go to poems.

Poems in general

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other?

They will compliment each other because the short film will be the main basis of the overall product but will be accompanied by a poster of the film that shows a snapshot from the film as well as telling the audience who is in the film and the film title, then the magazine review will contain information on what the film is about and whether or not it works at presenting the emotion wanted.

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How will you incorporate the following concepts?


I have chosen a poem that was written by a man however I have chosen to make the character a girl, this complies with the conventions of a typical chick flick.



I want to represent the fact that although a break up is emotional and girls are seen to be weaker than boys, girls are just as capable to turn things around and get over it and become strong again easily.


Media language

Using music to enhance the mood as well as a voice over of the poem.

Timeline: the final product is due in on Friday 17th December. Draft a timeline for your research, planning, production, post-production (including audience feedback). How are you going to get it all done?

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