Friday 26 November 2010

Preperation + Development: My Short film so far

After audience feedback on my short film so far, the consensus appeared to be that i needed to do some extra footage of actions that match the words of the poem. For example shot of the girl making a scrapbook of memories. Also they gave me the idea to end the short film with a similar series of that show the scrapbook being made, a letter being written and a girl posting the letter however all in rewind almost as if it is being undone.

Monday 8 November 2010

Preparation + Development: Editing Footage

For the next couple of weeks i will be working on the editing of my footage.

8th November:

15th November:

Monday 1 November 2010

Preparation + Development: Uploading Footage

Today i have uploaded my footage up on to imovie in order to start editing and putting together my short film.