Sunday 31 October 2010

Research + Planning: Animatic

This is an animatic of my story board, however since making my story board i have slightly changed my idea as i am now only using one character but filming on different days to show that heartbreak can happen any day of the week anytime of the year rather than it can happen to anyone. this is because i found that in my research that people have mixed opinions on the age boundaries of heartbreak however there was no apparent persuasion to anytime of the year.

Monday 25 October 2010

Research + planning: Results

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Research +Planning: My Pitch

A short film about heartbreak and moving on, that uses splicing of 7 different days of the character reading the poem.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research + Planning: Target Audience

Name: Lucia Farrance
Age: 17
Favourite Film Genre: Disney
Favourite Film: Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Marital Status: In A Relationship
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: No
What: Doesn't exist

Name: Howard Abercrombie-Smith
Age: 51
Favourite Film Genre:
Favourite Film:
Marital Status: Married
Have you ever had your heart broken: Yes
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18+

Name: Alex Pettitt
Age: 18
Favourite Film: Vantage Point
Favourite Genre: Action
Marital Status: In A Relationship
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18/19+

Name: Amy Oldfield
Age: 15
Favourite Film: Mean Girls
Favourite Genre: Chick Flick
Marital Status: Single
Have you ever had your heart broken: No
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 18+

Name: Malcolm Abercrombie
Age: 80
Favourite Film:
Favourite Genre:
Marital Status: Married
Have you ever had your heart broken: Yes
Do you think heartbreak has an age limit: Yes
What: 20+

Friday 8 October 2010

Research + Planning: The Inspiration for my Final Idea

I have decided to change my idea for my short film after seeing this advert. I originally planned to do a narrative of the poem over some footage however I have now chosen to do something more along the lines of this advert. I think that this brings a new level to the poem and enables a modern take on short films to be developed.

Friday 1 October 2010

Research + Planning: A Letter from a Broken Heart

This is the poem that i will be using as my script for my short film. I chose this poem as I felt that it was full of emotion and suited the angle that i was going for with my short film.

A man writes a letter to his lost love.

I got my heart broke today,

Not that it matters, I know it don’t,

For you life goes on,

But for me it won’t,

Everyday I wonder what I did wrong.

I handed you my heart,

It was yours to keep,

But then you said we had to part

The pain I felt; it cut oh so very deep.

Now I wish I could wash the pain away,

Because I hurt so bad inside,

I can only hope I’ll die today,

But we both know I won’t no matter how hard I try.

My love is the only thing I had to give,

But you laughed at me,

Now I don’t want to live,

With only memories.

So tonight I’ll close my eyes,

With thoughts of you,

As I say good-bye,

To the only love I knew.

Now all you have left is your tears,

And the pain you handed me,

And you’ll wonder why you have to face your fears,

Because that’s the way it was meant to be

So now I leave you,

With a scrapbook of memories,

Of the times we knew,

And this letter from a broken heart.