Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation Question 5

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the process of constructing my product I have learnt how to use iMovie in more detail. For example before beginning to work on my short film I had never had to work out how to ad music over clips and work with the volume of the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in order to make them work effectively. This at sometimes was frustrating as i had to do every clip individually however it was beneficial in the long run as it made my short film work better.

As well as this I had to use Handbrake in order to upload some of my footage. I found that this was a bit tricky at first as i had to download my footage to the computer then convert it and it wasn't necessarily clear how to use Handbrake, however after a few tries I got the hang of it and now it is easy to use. Handbrake was a useful piece of software as it enabled me to add the ECG machine clip and the beginning and end, as well as some of my footage.

When it came to creating my poster and review page I used the skills i learnt last year in As when doing my Music poster and double page spread, so therefore i did not really learn much more about photoshop itself.

Through the whole process of creating my product I have also learnt how to use a video camera and a tripod in order to create steady shots as well as the importance of the correct lighting to capture the mood that is trying to be created.

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